Page name: heehee *giggles* [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-02-25 22:49:06
Last author: Eiri Yuki
Owner: Eiri Yuki
# of watchers: 9
Fans: 0
D20: 19
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this wiki for all youse loven yaoi fans LIKE ME!! *evil giggels* amd who if you want to put up any pics of your fave yoai people go right ahead i will put up some picks to as well so fined some good ones

HO YOU CAN"T FORGET THE KINKYNSEE TO WEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*evil giggles*


hrear is a baner


1. NO COMENTING are willing to join

2. put up any yaoi pics you want as long at its not two bad


4. you really need to be abel to take it all in and contain your self

5. play 'nice' and have a good day!

[Erykun]*drool/shock* wow sakuma-san
[Eiri Yuki]
[Erykun] WHOS THE MASTER NOW!!!!!!!!
[Eiri Yuki]
[Eiri Yuki]
[Eiri Yuki]


Please put newer pics here heehee *giggles*2

Go To Gravitation Remix


heehee *giggles* evol chats <--talk on the chat

lookie yanime.htm

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2006-02-07 [Eiri Yuki]: what with mel

2006-02-07 [Erykun]: you know...when she rejected me...a few months ago...

2006-02-07 [Eiri Yuki]: yeah

2006-02-07 [Erykun]: I haven't been able to truely smile since then...

2006-02-07 [Eiri Yuki]: ...oh love *hugs you tight and holds you*

2006-02-08 [ShadowLink6]: <.< >.> na no da???

2006-02-25 [Keir Devlin]: Yaoi rocks!!!

2006-02-25 [Erykun]: *blushes* h-hello

2006-02-25 [Keir Devlin]: Hey!Sup?

2006-02-25 [Nuktae-tal]: hiya

2006-02-25 [Eiri Yuki]: lol

2006-02-25 [Erykun]: -v.v-

2006-02-25 [Nuktae-tal]: hm???

2006-02-25 [Eiri Yuki]: what

2006-02-25 [Keir Devlin]: Dunno.

2006-02-25 [Erykun]: *keeps huggling* my yuki

2006-02-25 [Keir Devlin]: Nyahaha.I have the hots for Hiro.

2006-02-25 [Erykun]: good =.=

2006-02-25 [Keir Devlin]: But...I suddenly have the urge to go after Yuki....-grins-

2006-02-25 [Erykun]: *growls at you glaring* do and die a horrible death!!!

2006-02-25 [Keir Devlin]: And suddenly I love Hiro again! >.>;

2006-02-25 [Erykun]: gooood...*clings to anna's chest* my yuki...♥♥♥

2006-02-25 [Keir Devlin]: scary...Hiro-Kun!!!-Glomps plushie-

2006-02-25 [Erykun]: wehhh! *huggles invisable yuki plush* T-T I wish they would make on already

2006-02-25 [Keir Devlin]: Same for a Hiro one...I act like I hug one,....

2006-02-25 [Erykun]: yeah their is only a kumagoro(MUST GET *-*) and a cosplay ryuichi one T-T I want a yuki one and a shuichi one for a someone -^^-

2006-02-25 [Keir Devlin]: Nyahahahah.

2006-02-25 [Eiri Yuki]: lol shuichi

2006-02-25 [Erykun]: what?

2006-02-25 [Eiri Yuki]: nothen

2006-02-25 [Erykun]: @.@ wha?!

2006-02-25 [Eiri Yuki]: i not tellen

2006-02-25 [Erykun]: T-T

2006-02-25 [Keir Devlin]: TELL DAMN IT!!!

2006-02-25 [Eiri Yuki]: nope

2006-02-25 [Erykun]: aww

2006-02-25 [Keir Devlin]: Tell me or I'll burn you with your stupid ceigaret!!

2006-02-25 [Erykun]: *gowls and glares at you* touch him and I'll KILL you!

2006-02-25 [Keir Devlin]: -Poked him-Im tooouuuuching him.....!

2006-02-25 [Erykun]: *rips your head off* grrr =.=

2006-02-26 [Keir Devlin]: -Bites you-

2006-02-26 [Erykun]: grrr throws hioshi at you go have fun with him LEAVE MY YUKI ALONE!!!

2006-02-26 [Keir Devlin]: Kah!-Glomps-Okie dokie!!! ^/////^

2006-02-26 [Eiri Yuki]: heh i am not tellen you

2006-02-26 [Keir Devlin]: Please...Pretty pretty pretty please....I'LL KILL SHUICHI IF YOU DONT!

2006-02-26 [Erykun]: ekkk!

2006-02-26 [Nuktae-tal]: NNNOOOOOOOooooo*grabs Shuichi and jumps in front.* you won't hurt shuichi!!

2006-02-26 [Keir Devlin]: Notice Yuki doesn't protect you Shuichi...

2006-02-26 [Erykun]: yuki is asleep...dumbass...-.- diff. time zone and stuff duh

2006-02-26 [Keir Devlin]: But if he really cared for you wouldn't he always be with you....? XDHehehe

2006-02-26 [Erykun]: yes but even a sex beast needs sleep you know

2006-02-26 [Keir Devlin]: 0.0 My eyes....Im blind....I read the horrid message from hell...

2006-02-26 [Erykun]: ...ok...whats your name

2006-02-26 [Keir Devlin]: Why?

2006-02-26 [Erykun]: I think I might know you =.=

2006-02-26 [Keir Devlin]: Neh?Were you live?

2006-02-26 [Erykun]: CA! contra costa

2006-02-26 [Keir Devlin]: ??HUh?I live in the Coachella Vally.

2006-02-26 [Erykun]: hmmm...*thinks* you act like my friend! always taking the ones I love deeply for away ; .; of course NOT THIS TIME!!! EIRI IS MINE!!

2006-02-26 [Nuktae-tal]: thats right! eire is shuichi's!

2006-02-26 [Erykun]: thank you tal-chan

2006-02-26 [Nuktae-tal]: yes!*salutes*

2006-02-26 [Erykun]: *giggls

2006-02-26 [Keir Devlin]: Eh.Cool.

2006-02-26 [ShadowLink6]: hiya just dropped by to say hello lol ^_^

2006-02-26 [Erykun]: hello

2006-02-26 [Keir Devlin]: Sup?

2006-02-26 [Nuktae-tal]: ....greetings

2006-02-27 [Eiri Yuki]: hello

2006-02-27 [Erykun]: ; ~; wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

2006-02-27 [Nuktae-tal]: oh my

2006-02-27 [Eiri Yuki]: shuichi

2006-02-27 [ShadowLink6]: ^_^

2006-02-27 [Eiri Yuki]: hi

2006-02-27 [ShadowLink6]: hiya ^_^ how are u doing besides freezing

2006-02-27 [Eiri Yuki]: good

2006-02-27 [ShadowLink6]: good so r u in a college or something??

2006-02-27 [Eiri Yuki]: no

2006-02-27 [ShadowLink6]: really thats cool ^_^

2006-02-27 [Eiri Yuki]: oO why??

2006-02-27 [ShadowLink6]: i dont know anything can be cool im still in high school lol

2006-02-27 [Eiri Yuki]: ha ha cool

2006-02-27 [ShadowLink6]: yea i looked in your profile and you're the same age as my brother so i assumed you were in college or u just got out of college

2006-02-28 [Eiri Yuki]: no that is RP age

2006-02-28 [Erykun]: ANNA!!!!!!!!!!! *glomps and nuzzles*

2006-02-28 [ShadowLink6]: hiya shuichi

2006-02-28 [Erykun]: hiya!

2006-02-28 [ShadowLink6]: how are u?

2006-02-28 [Erykun]: great!

2006-02-28 [ShadowLink6]: yay thats good to hear

2006-02-28 [Eiri Yuki]: *hugs* hi

2006-02-28 [ShadowLink6]: welcome back Yuki

2006-02-28 [Erykun]: *nuzzles more* hmm!~

2006-02-28 [Eiri Yuki]: huh?

2006-02-28 [Erykun]: wha?

2006-02-28 [Eiri Yuki]: ^^ *hugs*

2006-02-28 [Erykun]: *blush* eheh

2006-02-28 [Eiri Yuki]: oO

2006-02-28 [Erykun]: ._. what?

2006-02-28 [Eiri Yuki]: nothing

2006-02-28 [Erykun]: ok

2006-02-28 [Eiri Yuki]: ^^

2006-02-28 [Erykun]: *giggle*

2006-02-28 [Eiri Yuki]: whats so funny?

2006-02-28 [Erykun]: nothin' oh and join Remix Fushigi Yuugi its a yaoi rp of fy

2006-03-01 [Eiri Yuki]: cooooooool

2006-03-01 [Erykun]: i know!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-03-01 [Eiri Yuki]: so di i just put my name on ther or what and who shuld i be

2006-03-01 [Erykun]: be hotohori! tama anh hoto are a hot couple

2006-03-01 [Eiri Yuki]: ok

2006-03-01 [Erykun]: ^^

2006-03-02 [the 13th Star]: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Why did you do that to Heero and Duo? Why?

2006-03-03 [Erykun]: ...

2006-03-04 [Eiri Yuki]: lol

2006-03-07 [ShadowLink6]: i like them better that way if u ask me lol

2006-03-07 [Eiri Yuki]: yeah they make a good yoai cupel

2006-03-07 [Erykun]: yep

2006-03-07 [Eiri Yuki]: ^^ heh

2006-03-07 [Erykun]: ^^

2006-03-07 [Eiri Yuki]: so how was your day shuichi

2006-03-07 [Erykun]: great!

2006-03-07 [Eiri Yuki]: good ^^

2006-03-07 [Erykun]: ^^ *huggles*

2006-03-07 [Eiri Yuki]: *hugs*

2006-03-07 [Erykun]: *kiss* y...uki...

2006-03-07 [Eiri Yuki]: yuki

2006-03-07 [Erykun]: oh sorry

2006-03-07 [Eiri Yuki]: ^^ok

2006-03-07 [Erykun]: *kiss* heh love you yuki

2006-03-07 [Eiri Yuki]: yeah i know

2006-03-07 [Erykun]: *smiles all bubbley like*

2006-03-07 [Eiri Yuki]: ahh to...cute! *turnd away*

2006-03-07 [Erykun]: w-what is it...?

2006-03-07 [Eiri Yuki]: *looks down with hand covering face* nothing nothing at all

2006-03-07 [Erykun]: *teary eyes* y-your lieing

2006-03-08 [Eiri Yuki]: *stoped blushing and looks up to see your tear eyes* shuichi no crying ok *hugs you*

2006-03-08 [Erykun]: -gasp-*blushes* Mm...

2006-03-08 [Eiri Yuki]: *smells your hair*

2006-03-08 [Erykun]: *blushes*

2006-03-08 [Eiri Yuki]: *runs fingers though it*

2006-03-08 [Erykun]: ...Mm...*hugs you*

2006-03-08 [Eiri Yuki]: *hugs you to*

2006-03-08 [Erykun]: heh

2006-03-08 [Eiri Yuki]: *smiels lightly

2006-03-08 [Erykun]: *holds you*

2006-03-08 [Eiri Yuki]: *runs fingers though your hair agean*

2006-03-08 [Erykun]: Mm...

2006-03-08 [Eiri Yuki]: *kisses the top of your head*

2006-03-08 [Erykun]: heheh

2006-03-08 [Eiri Yuki]: so do you want food

2006-03-08 [Erykun]: yes!

2006-03-08 [Eiri Yuki]: what do you want?

2006-03-08 [Erykun]: anything *-*

2006-03-08 [Eiri Yuki]: that dosen't help

2006-03-08 [Erykun]: anything you want

2006-03-09 [Eiri Yuki]: well i don't care what do you want -_-#  <- - -playing yuki

2006-03-09 [Erykun]: umm...miso soup?

2006-03-09 [Eiri Yuki]: ok miso soup it is *goes in to the kichen to cook food*

2006-03-09 [Erykun]: yay

2006-03-09 [Eiri Yuki]: *20 to 30 minets pass*

2006-03-09 [Erykun]: *wakes up from a short nap and sits up*

2006-03-09 [Eiri Yuki]: *brings out soup*

2006-03-09 [ShadowLink6]: miso soup *stomach growls*

2006-03-09 [Eiri Yuki]: you can have some to theres enuf of it

2006-03-09 [Erykun]: yeah!! *gets all happy* fooood

2006-03-09 [ShadowLink6]: SERIOUSLY THANK YOU SO MUCH

2006-03-09 [Eiri Yuki]: help your selfs

2006-03-09 [Erykun]: *poors a bowl gobaling it down* Mmmm...

2006-03-09 [Eiri Yuki]: is it good?

2006-03-09 [Erykun]: yes! its delicious

2006-03-09 [Eiri Yuki]: good

2006-03-09 [Erykun]: Mm...

2006-03-09 [Eiri Yuki]: *walks over to you and licks cheek*

2006-03-09 [Erykun]: *blushes*

2006-03-09 [Eiri Yuki]: it is good  (licked off a drip of soup on your cheek)

2006-03-09 [Erykun]: Mm...

2006-03-09 [Eiri Yuki]: *sat down with a bowl of soup**stared to eat it*

2006-03-09 [Erykun]: *smiles*

2006-03-10 [Eiri Yuki]: Mmm good soup ^^

2006-03-10 [Erykun]: heheh *hugs you*

2006-03-10 [Eiri Yuki]: *spills soup on shert* aww *puts bowl down and stands up, pulling shert off*

2006-03-10 [Erykun]: *blushes*...uh...Mmm

2006-03-10 [Eiri Yuki]: i am only taking off the *winks* lol ^^

2006-03-10 [Erykun]: ah...y-yuki...

2006-03-10 [Eiri Yuki]: heh it might happen if i feel like it ^^ *walks over to soup pot and covers it up and walks back to food*

2006-03-10 [*Leric*]: sooo what exactly is yaoi?

2006-03-10 [Eiri Yuki]: it boy on boy love ^^

2006-03-10 [Erykun]: *blushes* 'Mmm...Yuki's body is so...'-sigh-

2006-03-10 [Eiri Yuki]: *sits next to shuichi and kisses him*

2006-03-10 [*Leric*]: ;p lol. ok thank you <33

2006-03-10 [Eiri Yuki]: ^^ no problem

2006-03-10 [*Leric*]: XD *giggles*

2006-03-10 [Erykun]: *blushes and kisses Yuki back*

2006-03-10 [Eiri Yuki]: Mmm you taste good *licks you*

2006-03-10 [Erykun]: *blushes*...Mmm...*hands explore your chest*

2006-03-10 [Eiri Yuki]: *smiles*

2006-03-10 [Erykun]: mm...'I could eat him all up'

2006-03-10 [Eiri Yuki]: *kissed you agean* ^^

2006-03-10 [Erykun]: *blushes and kisses you back*

2006-03-10 [Eiri Yuki]: *licks your ear*

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